cert_hero package


cert_hero.cert_hero module

Main module.

class cert_hero.cert_hero.CertHero[source]

Bases: dict

CertHero represents the (resolved) SSL certificate of a server or hostname; it subclasses from builtin dict, so it is essentially the same as a dict object with convenience methods and a more human-readable __repr__() method, for example.

This means that a CertHero object is inherently JSON serializable:

>>> import cert_hero, json
>>> cert = cert_hero.CertHero({'key': 'value'})
>>> cert
    "key": "value"
>>> cert['key']
>>> json.dumps(cert)  # or, easier: str(cert)
'{"key": "value"}'
classmethod from_dict(o: dict, _from_iso_format=<built-in method fromisoformat of type object>)[source]

Convert a serialized dict to a CertHero object.

property not_after_date: date

The Cert Not After Date (e.g. Valid Until)

property not_before_date: date

The Cert Not Before Date (e.g. Valid From)

cert_hero.cert_hero.cert_please(hostname: str, context: SSLContext = None, user_agent: str | None = None, default_encoding='latin-1') CertHero[str, str | int | dict[str, str | bool]] | None[source]

Retrieve the SSL certificate for a given hostname - works even in the case of expired or self-signed certificates.


>>> import cert_hero
>>> cert = cert_hero.cert_please('google.com')
>>> cert.not_after_date
datetime.date(2023, 10, 28)
>>> f'Cert is Valid Till: {cert.not_after_date.isoformat()}'
'Cert is Valid Till: 2023-10-28'
>>> cert
    "Cert Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Serial": "753DD6FF20CB1B4510CB4C1EA27DA2EB",
    "Subject Name": {
      "Common Name": "*.google.com"
    "Issuer Name": {
      "Country": "US",
      "State/Province": "California",
      "Organization": "Zscaler Inc.",
      "Organization Unit": "Zscaler Inc.",
      "Common Name": "Zscaler Intermediate Root CA (zscalerthree.net) (t) "
    "Validity": {
      "Not After": "2023-10-28",
      "Not Before": "2023-10-14"
    "Wildcard": true,
    "Signature Algorithm": "SHA256WITHRSA",
    "Key Algorithm": "RSA-2048",
    "Subject Alt Names": [
    "Location": "https://www.google.com/",
    "Status": 301
>>> cert_hero.set_expired(cert)
>>> cert['Validity']
{'Not After': '2023-10-28', 'Not Before': '2023-10-14', 'Expired': False}


The builtin Python module ssl can be used to retrieve a certificate from a server via getpeercert, but it’ll work only if the certificate of interest can be successfully verified (source).

If, for any reason, verification fails, like, for example, with expired or a self-signed certificate, we’ll get ssl.SSLCertVerificationError instead of the requested info.

We can work around this by asking for the certificate in the binary form:


But now we have to convert it, and thus we can use a third party asn1crypto module, instead of the (bulkier) cryptography module.

Additionally, if the host redirects the client to another URL, this info is captured in the Location and Status fields.

  • hostname – Host (or server) to retrieve SSL Certificate for

  • context – (Optional) Shared SSL Context

  • user_agent – A custom user agent to use for the HTTP call to retrieve Location and Status. Defaults to python-requests/{version}, or a random user agent if the fake_useragent module is installed (via the fake-ua extra).

  • default_encoding – Encoding used to decode bytes for the HTTP call to retrieve Location and Status. Defaults to latin-1 (or ISO-8859-1).

cert_hero.cert_hero.certs_please(hostnames: list[str] | tuple[str] | set[str], context: SSLContext = None, num_threads: int = 25, user_agent: str | None = None) dict[str, CertHero][source]

Retrieve (concurrently) the SSL certificate(s) for a list of hostnames - works even in the case of expired or self-signed certificates.


>>> import cert_hero, json
>>> host_to_cert = cert_hero.certs_please(['google.com', 'cnn.com', 'www.yahoo.co.in', 'youtu.be'])
>>> cert_hero.set_expired(host_to_cert)
>>> host_to_cert
{'google.com': CertHero(
    "Cert Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Serial": "753DD6FF20CB1B4510CB4C1EA27DA2EB",
), 'cnn.com': CertHero(
    "Cert Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Serial": "7F2F3E5C350554D71A6784CCFE6E8315",
), ...
>>> json.dumps(host_to_cert)
{"google.com": {"Cert Status": "SUCCESS", ...}, "cnn.com": {"Cert Status": "SUCCESS", ...}, ...}
  • hostnames – List of hosts to retrieve SSL Certificate(s) for

  • context – (Optional) Shared SSL Context

  • num_threads – Max number of concurrent threads

  • user_agent – A custom user agent to use for the HTTP call to retrieve Location and Status. Defaults to python-requests/{version}, or a random user agent if the fake_useragent module is installed (via the fake-ua extra).


A mapping of hostname to the SSL Certificate (e.g. CertHero) for that host

cert_hero.cert_hero.create_ssl_context() SSLContext[source]
cert_hero.cert_hero.get_user_agent() str[source]

Return a random user agent using the fake_useragent module.

cert_hero.cert_hero.set_expired(certs: ~cert_hero.cert_hero.CertHero | dict[str, str | int | dict[str, str | bool]] | dict[str, ~cert_hero.cert_hero.CertHero] | dict[str, dict[str, str | int | dict[str, str | bool]]] | ~typing.Iterable[~cert_hero.cert_hero.CertHero] | ~typing.Iterable[dict[str, str | int | dict[str, str | bool]]] | None, _date_from_iso_str=<built-in method fromisoformat of type object>) None[source]

Set or update the value for Validity > Expired (:type:`bool`) on each cert in a response from cert_please() or certs_please(), or a serialized version thereof (e.g. json.dumps > json.loads).

Example Usage:

>>> from cert_hero import cert_please, set_expired
>>> cert = cert_please('google.com')
>>> assert 'Expired' not in cert['Validity']
>>> set_expired(cert)
>>> assert 'Expired' in cert['Validity']

cert_hero.cli module

Console script for cert_hero.


Console script for cert_hero.

Module contents

Cert Hero

Python Stand-alone Library to Download the SSL Certificate for Any Host™

Sample Usage:

>>> import cert_hero
>>> cert = cert_hero.cert_please('google.com')
>>> cert.not_after_date
datetime.date(2023, 10, 28)
>>> f'Cert is Valid Till: {cert.not_after_date.isoformat()}'
'Cert is Valid Till: 2023-10-28'
>>> cert
    "Cert Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Serial": "753DD6FF20CB1B4510CB4C1EA27DA2EB",
    "Subject Name": {
      "Common Name": "*.google.com"
    "Issuer Name": {
      "Country": "US",
      "State/Province": "California",
      "Organization": "Zscaler Inc.",
      "Organization Unit": "Zscaler Inc.",
      "Common Name": "Zscaler Intermediate Root CA (zscalerthree.net) (t) "
    "Validity": {
      "Not After": "2023-10-28",
      "Not Before": "2023-10-14"
    "Wildcard": true,
    "Signature Algorithm": "SHA256WITHRSA",
    "Key Algorithm": "RSA-2048",
    "Subject Alt Names": [
    "Location": "https://www.google.com/",
    "Status": 301
>>> cert_hero.set_expired(cert)
>>> cert['Validity']
{'Not After': '2023-10-28', 'Not Before': '2023-10-14', 'Expired': False}

For full documentation and more advanced usage, please see <https://cert-hero.readthedocs.io>.

  1. 2023 by Ritvik Nag.

:license:MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

class cert_hero.CertHero[source]

Bases: dict

CertHero represents the (resolved) SSL certificate of a server or hostname; it subclasses from builtin dict, so it is essentially the same as a dict object with convenience methods and a more human-readable __repr__() method, for example.

This means that a CertHero object is inherently JSON serializable:

>>> import cert_hero, json
>>> cert = cert_hero.CertHero({'key': 'value'})
>>> cert
    "key": "value"
>>> cert['key']
>>> json.dumps(cert)  # or, easier: str(cert)
'{"key": "value"}'
classmethod from_dict(o: dict, _from_iso_format=<built-in method fromisoformat of type object>)[source]

Convert a serialized dict to a CertHero object.

property not_after_date: date

The Cert Not After Date (e.g. Valid Until)

property not_before_date: date

The Cert Not Before Date (e.g. Valid From)

cert_hero.cert_please(hostname: str, context: SSLContext = None, user_agent: str | None = None, default_encoding='latin-1') CertHero[str, str | int | dict[str, str | bool]] | None[source]

Retrieve the SSL certificate for a given hostname - works even in the case of expired or self-signed certificates.


>>> import cert_hero
>>> cert = cert_hero.cert_please('google.com')
>>> cert.not_after_date
datetime.date(2023, 10, 28)
>>> f'Cert is Valid Till: {cert.not_after_date.isoformat()}'
'Cert is Valid Till: 2023-10-28'
>>> cert
    "Cert Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Serial": "753DD6FF20CB1B4510CB4C1EA27DA2EB",
    "Subject Name": {
      "Common Name": "*.google.com"
    "Issuer Name": {
      "Country": "US",
      "State/Province": "California",
      "Organization": "Zscaler Inc.",
      "Organization Unit": "Zscaler Inc.",
      "Common Name": "Zscaler Intermediate Root CA (zscalerthree.net) (t) "
    "Validity": {
      "Not After": "2023-10-28",
      "Not Before": "2023-10-14"
    "Wildcard": true,
    "Signature Algorithm": "SHA256WITHRSA",
    "Key Algorithm": "RSA-2048",
    "Subject Alt Names": [
    "Location": "https://www.google.com/",
    "Status": 301
>>> cert_hero.set_expired(cert)
>>> cert['Validity']
{'Not After': '2023-10-28', 'Not Before': '2023-10-14', 'Expired': False}


The builtin Python module ssl can be used to retrieve a certificate from a server via getpeercert, but it’ll work only if the certificate of interest can be successfully verified (source).

If, for any reason, verification fails, like, for example, with expired or a self-signed certificate, we’ll get ssl.SSLCertVerificationError instead of the requested info.

We can work around this by asking for the certificate in the binary form:


But now we have to convert it, and thus we can use a third party asn1crypto module, instead of the (bulkier) cryptography module.

Additionally, if the host redirects the client to another URL, this info is captured in the Location and Status fields.

  • hostname – Host (or server) to retrieve SSL Certificate for

  • context – (Optional) Shared SSL Context

  • user_agent – A custom user agent to use for the HTTP call to retrieve Location and Status. Defaults to python-requests/{version}, or a random user agent if the fake_useragent module is installed (via the fake-ua extra).

  • default_encoding – Encoding used to decode bytes for the HTTP call to retrieve Location and Status. Defaults to latin-1 (or ISO-8859-1).

cert_hero.certs_please(hostnames: list[str] | tuple[str] | set[str], context: SSLContext = None, num_threads: int = 25, user_agent: str | None = None) dict[str, CertHero][source]

Retrieve (concurrently) the SSL certificate(s) for a list of hostnames - works even in the case of expired or self-signed certificates.


>>> import cert_hero, json
>>> host_to_cert = cert_hero.certs_please(['google.com', 'cnn.com', 'www.yahoo.co.in', 'youtu.be'])
>>> cert_hero.set_expired(host_to_cert)
>>> host_to_cert
{'google.com': CertHero(
    "Cert Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Serial": "753DD6FF20CB1B4510CB4C1EA27DA2EB",
), 'cnn.com': CertHero(
    "Cert Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Serial": "7F2F3E5C350554D71A6784CCFE6E8315",
), ...
>>> json.dumps(host_to_cert)
{"google.com": {"Cert Status": "SUCCESS", ...}, "cnn.com": {"Cert Status": "SUCCESS", ...}, ...}
  • hostnames – List of hosts to retrieve SSL Certificate(s) for

  • context – (Optional) Shared SSL Context

  • num_threads – Max number of concurrent threads

  • user_agent – A custom user agent to use for the HTTP call to retrieve Location and Status. Defaults to python-requests/{version}, or a random user agent if the fake_useragent module is installed (via the fake-ua extra).


A mapping of hostname to the SSL Certificate (e.g. CertHero) for that host

cert_hero.create_ssl_context() SSLContext[source]
cert_hero.set_expired(certs: ~cert_hero.cert_hero.CertHero | dict[str, str | int | dict[str, str | bool]] | dict[str, ~cert_hero.cert_hero.CertHero] | dict[str, dict[str, str | int | dict[str, str | bool]]] | ~typing.Iterable[~cert_hero.cert_hero.CertHero] | ~typing.Iterable[dict[str, str | int | dict[str, str | bool]]] | None, _date_from_iso_str=<built-in method fromisoformat of type object>) None[source]

Set or update the value for Validity > Expired (:type:`bool`) on each cert in a response from cert_please() or certs_please(), or a serialized version thereof (e.g. json.dumps > json.loads).

Example Usage:

>>> from cert_hero import cert_please, set_expired
>>> cert = cert_please('google.com')
>>> assert 'Expired' not in cert['Validity']
>>> set_expired(cert)
>>> assert 'Expired' in cert['Validity']